Monday, September 28, 2009

to b loved....

it is not wrong - giving ur heart to be loved..
u hav to take d chance n being loved by sum1..
but it is so wrong to giv ur heart to sum1 who is not deserve..

i can't bear to watch her heart break..
but wat can i say..
it is her decision...


mryms said...

yo yo kenapakah?

lianalim said...
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lianalim said...

sometimes it is not of our own decisioN to love that one person
n it also not in our control to avoid a heart break
wut is important is that we get through it all n get over it
haha :D
kencang baiii :P

sAkURamELin said...

but still we can avoid it..
dun pertaruhkan our's heart to one who is NOT DESERVE it n d one dat we KNOW who can't b ours even in DREAMS..

it's still our decision to choose - weather to be hurt or not..

it is different...
pertaruhkan our heart to whom dat is not deserve to hold our heart...


pertaruhkan our heart to whom dat will lov us back n hold our heart eventhough d relationship 'terputus di pertgahan jaln'..

it is SO different....