Monday, March 29, 2010


What will you do?????

pEngorbann – what exactly that mean…

sye da bnyak beKorban but still I have to sAcrifice many things…

it mAkes me siCk!!!!

hoW should I sacrifice if it is sGT meLampaO…

if I don’t do it, it will ‘mAkAn’ my self juGE…

what shud I dO???

What shud I decide???

Shud I hElp them or shud I iGnoRe them…

diLUah mati eMak ditElan mati bApak…

i cAnt spit it oUt coz it wIlL hurt peOple aroUnd me...

if i do spit it, it wiLL cause lots of trOuble n iT will totAlly aFFect mE...

b - ur d oNly 1 dat i can trUly hOpe.. thanX foR beIng hEre wiTh me...

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