Monday, March 8, 2010


cuRRently im fiLLing foR dPli's onlinE. it maKes them hePy but im stiLL not so sUre.
it wOuld b easy if 'DPli' is not another kInd of sKull but stilL, it is a skul. n i hav to continue stuDying. huhuhuhuhu...

im so pEnaT of studyIng n dOing hOmewOrk...


mryms said...

nak jadi cikgu kaaaaaa?

sAkURamELin said...

kind of...
tgk la klo ad rezeki...
bagOs untuk futUre...
bf sgt2 agree...
byk adv la lao jd cekgu...

sAkURamELin said...

kind of...
tgk la klo ad rezeki...
bagOs untuk futUre...
bf sgt2 agree... even ma mOm..
byk adv la lao jd cekgu...