Monday, March 29, 2010


What will you do?????

pEngorbann – what exactly that mean…

sye da bnyak beKorban but still I have to sAcrifice many things…

it mAkes me siCk!!!!

hoW should I sacrifice if it is sGT meLampaO…

if I don’t do it, it will ‘mAkAn’ my self juGE…

what shud I dO???

What shud I decide???

Shud I hElp them or shud I iGnoRe them…

diLUah mati eMak ditElan mati bApak…

i cAnt spit it oUt coz it wIlL hurt peOple aroUnd me...

if i do spit it, it wiLL cause lots of trOuble n iT will totAlly aFFect mE...

b - ur d oNly 1 dat i can trUly hOpe.. thanX foR beIng hEre wiTh me...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

wat eva

I’m so sick with someone. Its not like I hate her/him but actually I do care. Dun wanna mention about dat any further coz im totally sick with her/him. pErgi mamPos la. Its not all about u.

I frequently mention about ‘mampOs la’ which mean I don’t cAre but actually from deep down, im so afraid to admit dat i cAre.

Monday, March 8, 2010


cuRRently im fiLLing foR dPli's onlinE. it maKes them hePy but im stiLL not so sUre.
it wOuld b easy if 'DPli' is not another kInd of sKull but stilL, it is a skul. n i hav to continue stuDying. huhuhuhuhu...

im so pEnaT of studyIng n dOing hOmewOrk...